FaB Choice seasonal bouquet
FaB Choice seasonal bouquet
Always our best value and most seasonal bouquet, the colours and flowers are chosen by us to reflect the best quality and value available.
We will always try to use some British grown flowers in this bouquet, in support of our local businesses and to improve the environmental sustainability of the bouquet, as well as giving the look and scent of a lovely garden-picked arrangement.
The bouquet is wrapped in kraft paper, and presented in a gift bag in a biodegradable cellophane aqua bubble, to keep the flowers fresh until they are ready to be unwrapped.
Please note this bouquet is NOT available 28 - 30 March, please see our Mother's Day options for alternatives.
We will always try to use some British grown flowers in this bouquet, in support of our local businesses and to improve the environmental sustainability of the bouquet, as well as giving the look and scent of a lovely garden-picked arrangement.
The bouquet is wrapped in kraft paper, and presented in a gift bag in a biodegradable cellophane aqua bubble, to keep the flowers fresh until they are ready to be unwrapped.
Please note this bouquet is NOT available 28 - 30 March, please see our Mother's Day options for alternatives.
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