Fresh Flower Delivery In The Romsey & Salisbury Areas


Choose from a range of bouquet styles shown below to order online. Or bespoke arrangements to suit your budget and requirements may be ordered by contacting Gemma and Adele by phone (07818867957) or email. Please note, some themed bouquets are only available during a set period of time, view the individual products for more details.

Lover (Red Roses)

From £70

Lover (Pink Roses)

From £65

Mother's Day Tulip Posy

From £18

Landford (Lilies)

From £45

Mottisfont (Roses)

From £70

Whiteparish (White Roses)

From £70

Blooming card


The One - Valentine's card


You make everything brighter- card


Love has no bounds card


Wife card


My heart stopped card


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